Archive for: Curb Installation

Douglasville Sidewalk & Curb Installation

Wildcat Looks Out for Your Safety

At Wildcat, our main concern is safety. This includes the safety of our workers with the different machinery and tools they use, but more importantly it is about why we are performing the work: to keep others safe. Without a smooth, paved driveway, you may damage your car and put you further in danger. Without roadsigns and road stripes, accidents are more likely to happen.

Douglasville Sidewalk and Curb Installation

In Douglasville, we performed a project to keep pedestrians safe. We installed a concrete sidewalk and curb for those to enjoy a safe place to walk. Our client was very impressed with how quickly we were able to install the sidewalk and curb without creating a mess and causing issues for the surrounding area. All in all, we were happy with the visual appearance and neatness of our work, but also content on the fact that this sidewalk and curb will keep more people safe.

Douglasville 8-27

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