When your asphalt parking lot is cracked, looking worn, or the parking lines are faded, it can cause serious hazards for drivers. That’s when a local asphalt repair company comes in. In and around Atlanta GA, Wildcat Striping Sealing and Paving is the go-to paving company in Atlanta for asphalt repairs because of our years of local paving experience and our dedication to the property owners we serve.
At Wildcat Striping and Paving, we’ve built relationships with local businesses and schools so that they trust us with their pavement maintenance. A local college in Atlanta GA became one of our long-time paving customers because they loved our work, and they recently called us to help restore some of their parking lots. After a thorough pavement inspection, detailed estimates, and a discussion with the college facility manager, we were able to mobilize to fix the school’s asphalt parking lots.
At first, we went out to two parking lots to remove and replace asphalt in a lot of different areas, making sure the new surface was smooth and graded. These lots were then sealed over with two coats of sealcoating to lock in repairs and protect the surface. Once they saw how great these parking lots looked, they added more work on another parking area. We also sealed this lot, as well as repainted all parking stripes.
Our college customer said they knew that our paving contractors had “the experience to come in and get the job done right and on time.” You can get this kind of service on your asphalt parking lot too! Contact Wildcat Striping Sealing and Paving today!