Archive for: bollard

Atlanta Bollards Protect Bank’s ATM Machines

Our banking client in Atlanta had called us one day to give them an estimate on some bollards. They recently moved to the area and still needed some extra finishes before they could open the building. They still needed to install bollards outside of the bank. A bollard is a short post or column installed to protect something, which in this case is the bank’s ATM machines. You might find a bollard outside of a gas station, or to mark off where parking restrictions are.  We were quick to respond to them and were hired soon after giving them an estimate. We arrived on-time, and promptly began the process. We mixed the concrete, poured it into a form and shoveled it into the hole we dug to let it cure. We asked our customers how they found out about us and they said from a Yahoo search. Our customers loved what we did and were pleased with our work!

Go to to learn more about our other parking lot solutions!

Atlanta Bollards

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